Denim Bleach Wash Process with Recipe : 7 Easy Steps

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Bleaching agent is a agent that is used for reduce color from denim garments to get different shade like light, medium, and dark shade and create denim pant uneven looks. In denim bleach wash, bleaching agent is used as color reducing agent. Denim bleach wash process is important wet process among the garments washing techniques. However, this article will discuss about denim bleach wash process of denim garments. Additionally, recipe of bleach wash process and flow chart of bleach will be discuss.

Objects of Denim Bleach wash

Objects of denim bleach wash process is given below

  • Bleach wash is primarily used to achieve different shades such as dark, medium, and light.
  • Also, size material is removed from the garments during this process.
  • Furthermore, this process makes the garments feel soft to wear.
  • The color fastness of garments is increased by bleach washing.

Types of Bleaching Agent

Generally, there are various types of bleaching agent is used. But, the following 4 types of bleaching agent is used commonly in garments washing industry. There are:

  1. Calcium hypo chlorite: The chemical formula of Calcium hypo chlorite is Ca(OCl)2 . Basically, calcium hypo chlorite is used for dark and medium shade. It is yellow white color solid powder and it is 100% soluble in water. As, it is powder form, it is easy to handle and transport. It can produced by reaction between chlorine and calcium hydroxide.
    • Cl2 + Ca(OH)2 = Ca(OCl)2 + CaCl2 + 2H2O
  2. Sodium hypo Chlorite: The chemical formula of sodium hypo chlorite is NaOCl. It is also used for dark and medium shade. The form of sodium hypo chlorite is liquid. It can produced by the reactions of sodium hydroxide and chlorine gas.
    • Cl2 + NaOH = NaCl + NaOCl + H2O
  3. Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is rarely used as bleaching agent. Basically, it is used for light wash.
  4. Potassium permanganate: Sodium permanganate is a very strong oxidizing agent. When dissolved in water, it forms a dark violet solution which is perfect for bleaching denim. Potassium permanganate is used on 100% sulphur black denim fabric. It’s not production friendly. Because, it has bad smell, yellowing and skin irritation.

Flow Chart of Denim Bleach Wash Process

Flow chart of denim bleach wash process is given below.

Flow chart of bleach wash of denim
Figure 1: Flow chart of bleach wash of denim

Recipe of Denim Bleach Wash

Recipe of denim bleach wash is given below. This bleach recipe is collected from a famous garments washing factory. They use different types of garments washing techniques to look their garments unique which draw the attention of buyer. However, recipe of denim bleach wash may be change according to the standard and garments washing techniques. This recipe is for 100 pcs garments which weight approximately about 70 kg.

ProcessWater (L)Time (min)Temperature (0 C)Chemical nameChemical Qty
De-size50015-2070Soda ash600 gm
L.P-30300 gm
Rinse8003 min 2 timesCold  
Enzyme50020-25 min ( but the time depends on the desired effect. The  Machine will be running until the desired effect is found)45Enzyme600 gm
Acetic acid150 gm
L.P-30300 gm
Rinse8003 min 2 timesCold  
Clean up8001070Soda ash500 gm
Detergent300 gm
Rinse8003 min 2 timesCold  
Bleach500After 5 min check. Run the machine until desired shade found.60Bleach KCl2.5 kg
Rinse8003 min 2 timesCold  
Neural7001050Hypo1 kg
Rinse8003 min 2 timesCold  
Softener7005ColdMesoft-CCS flakes (cataionic)2 kg
Hot dry 30 (check)70  
Cold 10cold  
Table 1: Recipe of denim bleach wash

Step by Step Bleach Wash Process

Step 1: De-sizing

  • Initially, loaded the machine with garments. Here 100 pcs denim pants are loaded whose weight is approximately about 70 kg.
  • Now, took 500 L water in the washing machine.
  • Added, chemicals. Here, soda and L.P-30 are used as de-sizing agent.
  • Subsequence, set the de-sizing machine parameter according to the above mentioned in recipe.
  • After 15 min, drain the water and rinse the denim pants 3 min for 2 times with fresh cold water.

Step 2: Enzyme Process

In general, stone is not used here. However, if you want more effect, pumice stone can be used. However, stone wasn’t used here for these sample.

  • At the beginning, took 500 l water in the washing machine.
  • Now, added enzyme, acetic acid, and L.P-30.
  • Run the machine for 15 min at 450 C. After, 15 min, check enzyme effect. If found desire enzyme effect, then rise the temperature up 900 C for enzyme killing and drain the liquor.
  • Now, rinse the garments for 3 min 2 times.

Step 3: Clean up

  1. Now, clean up the garments with soda and detergent at 700 C for 10 min
  2. Then, rinse the garments for 3 min 2 times with fresh water.

Step 4: Bleach wash Process

The following steps .i.e. bleach wash process should be conducted with sincerity. If the garments are washed with bleach for a long time, it will cause damage to the garments, on the other hand, if the garments are washed for a short time, you may not get the desired results. Besides, measurement of bleaching agent should accurate.

  • Initially, took 500 L water in the washing machine.
  • Added KCl bleaching agent and run the machine at 700 C temperature.
  • After 5 min, check the shade with standard reference shade under water bath.
  • If found desire shade, immediately drain out the liquor and rinse garments 2 times for 3 min with fresh cold water.

Step 5: Neutral

After bleaching, garments must be neutral from bleaching agents. Otherwise, residual bleaching agents will oxidize and cause yellowish shades. Residual bleaching agents also reduce garment strength. Here, hypo is used for neutral the garments from bleaching agent. Finally, rinse the garments 2 times with fresh water for 3 min.

Step 6: Softener

Now, softener is used. Here, cationic softener is used. softener makes the garments soft . softener also improve hand feel of the garments. Generally, softener is carried out in cold temperature. After softener, the garments no need to rinse wash. Because, it chance to wash out softener with water from garments. Thus, garments don’t rinse after softening process.

Step 7: Hydro-extractor and Dryer

Finally, garments are sent to hydro-extractor section. About 90% water are removed from garments by using hydro-extractor. Then garments are sent to dryer section. Here, steam dryer is used.

Denim Bleach Wash Shade

Bleach wash
Figure 2: Denim bleach wash shade

Advantage of Bleach Wash

Advantage of bleach wash on garments is given blow:

  1. A special effect can be produced on garments with bleach wash.
  2. Bleach wash makes the denim garments more attractive. Consequently, it is easy to draw the attraction of buyers.
  3. Additionally, this wash is trending wash among the garments washing techniques. Specially, There is a huge demand for young generation.
  4. Bleach wash helps subsequence process of garments wash.

Disadvantage of Bleach Wash

Though, there are lots of advantage of bleach wash. But it has some disadvantage. Blow are the listed disadvantage of bleach wash.

  1. Repeated bleach wash runs are difficult to control, i.e. they don’t lead to the same level of bleaching.
  2. It is very difficult to stop bleaching once the desired level of bleaching is reached. Due to the harshness of the chemical, it may damage cellulose resulting in strength loss, breaks, or pinholes in seams, pockets, etc.
  3. Corrosive to stainless steel and harmful to human health.
  4. Moreover, treatment with antichlor was required.
  5. As a result of residual chlorine, yellowing is very common.
  6. On the other hand, bleaching produces chlorinated organic substances that pass into the effluent and cause severe environmental damage.


Denim bleach wash process is a critical wash process among the garments washing techniques. However, from this article, we learnt denim bleach wash process with recipe of bleach wash. Additionally, we learnt flow of bleach wash process. All information is collected from garments washing factory as well as wash technicians who are much expert in denim washing. Finally, if you have any questions about bleach washing process, feel free to ask any question.


  • Hossain, M. F. (2015). Practice of Textile Coloration, Volume-I. Dhaka: Books Fair Publications.
  • Jalil, P. D. (2018). Denim and Washing Technology. Dhaka: Granthanir Prokashoni.
  • Kabir, D. S. (2016). Chemistry of Dyes & Pigments. Dhaka: Books Fair Publications.
  • Rahman, E. M. (n.d.). Practical Hand Book of Washing and Dyeing. University campus.
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