Recipe of Enzyme Stone Wash of Denim Garments : 7 Easy Step

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Are you searching recipe of enzyme stone wash of denim garments? Yes, this article is for you. This article will be discuss stone enzyme wash process in detail. Enzymes are proteins which is consist of amino acid and these amino acid produced by living organisms. In denim garments washing, stone is used with enzyme which is create more fading effect on denim garments.

What is Stone Wash?

Stone wash is a process where denim garments are washed with enzyme and stone to create an old-looking or fading effect on denim garments. In the stone wash process of denim garments, pumice stone is used which surface is rough. Consequently, more fading is produced on surface of denim garments due to the frication between the surface of pumice stone and fabric surface.

Pumice stone for stone enzyme wash process
Figure 1: Pumice stone for stone enzyme wash process

Objectives of Stone Enzyme Wash Process

Objectives of stone enzyme wash process is given below.

  1. The main objectives of stone enzyme wash process is to create irregular fading effect on denim garments.
  2. To improve the softness of denim garments.
  3. To remove the size material from the garments. Hence, it is easy to do subsequence process.
  4. To improve anti-pilling properties of denim garments.
  5. Moreover, to cleaned of dust, darts, oil spots, and impurities from the garments.

How to Form Pumice Stone?

In enzyme stone wash, pumice stone is used. Now, we will learn how to form pumice stone?. The pumice stone is formed by contact lava with water. Mainly, It occurs most frequently near water or underwater volcanoes. Pumice stone is a result of the rapid ejection of highly heated, highly pressurized rock from a volcano. The uneven and foamy configuration is created of pumice stone due to rapid cooling and rapid depressurization. By lowering the solubility of gases dissolved in the lava, depressurization creates bubbles that cause them to rapidly dissolve. By cooling and depressurizing simultaneously, the bubbles freeze. Due to bubbles, pumice stones float on water. Mainly, Indonesia and Turkey are main supplier of pumice stone. The color of Indonesia stone is slightly brown while Turkey stone is white. Generally, every bag contains 22-25 kg stone.

Chemical Composition of Pumice Stone

Chemical composition of pumice stone is given below.

S/NElementsAmount (%)
1.Silicon dioxide (SiO2)71.91%
2.Aluminium (Al2O3)12.66%
3.Calcification loss4.53%
4.Potassium Oxide (K2O)4.30%
5.Sodium Oxide (Na2O)3.45%
6.Ferric oxide (Fe2O3)1.13%
7.Calcium Oxide (CaO)1.46%
8.Magnesium Oxide (MgO)0.32%
9.  Sulphur Trioxide (SO3)0.03%
10.Indefinable content0.21%
Table 1: Chemical composition of pumice stone

Physical Properties of Pumice Stone

Physical properties of pumice stone is given below

 1. pH value8.0
 2. Hardness (Mohs scale)6.0
 3. Refractive index1.5
 4. Melting point150000 C
 5. Density2.313 (gm/cm3)
Table 2: Physical properties of pumice stone

Grain Size of Pumice Stone and Brand Name

Grain size of pumice stone and brand name is given below:

S/NGrain size (mm)Brand
 1.0-3Special besser
 5.16-40Stone wash
Table 3: Grain size of pumice stone

Flow chart of Enzyme Stone Wash

Flow chart of Enzyme Stone Wash
Figure 2: Flow chart of Enzyme Stone Wash

Recipe of Enzyme Stone Wash

Recipe of enzyme stone wash is collected from a famous denim washing factory. This recipe is for 100 pcs denim garments whose total weight is 70 kg . However, recipe of enzyme stone wash is given below.

ProcessWater (L)Time (min)Temperature (0 C)Chemical nameChemical qty
De-sizing50015-2070Soda ash1 kg
L.P-30300 gm
Rinse10003 min 2 timesCold  
Enzyme stone wash50020-25 min ( but the time depends on the desired effect. The  Machine will be running until the desired effect is found)50Enzyme600 gm
Acetic acid100 gm
L.P-30300 gm
Stone1 bag (every bag contain 22-25 kg stone)
Rinse10003 min 2 timesCold  
Clean up7001070Soda ash1 kg
Detergent300 gm
Rinse10003 min 2 timesCold  
Softener70010-15ColdMesoft-CCS Flakes (Cationic)4 kg
Solosoft-MHJ300 gm
Hot dry 3070-80  
Cool dry 10cold  
Table 4: Recipe of enzyme stone wash

Enzyme Stone Wash Process of Denim Garments

Enzyme Stone wash process of denim garments is given below with step by step description.

Step1 : De-sizing

Working procedure of de-sizing process is given below.

  • Initially, Selected lot is weighted by using electric balance.( weighted 100 pcs garments whose weight is about 70 kg)
  • Then, loaded the garments into the washing machine for de-sizing process.
  • Takes 500 L water in the washing machine.
  • Now, running the washing machine and set the parameter ( temperature 700 C for 15 min)
  • Next, added soda ash 1kg and L.P-30 300 gm
  • After 15 min, drop the liquor and rinse the garments 3 min 2 times by cold water and drain the water.

Step 2: Stone Enzyme Wash Process

Working procedure of stone enzyme wash process of denim garments is given below

  • At the beginning , take 500 L water in the washing machine.
  • Added Enzyme 600 gm, acetic acid 100 gm, L.P-30 300 gm and pumice stone 1 bag( 22kg).
  • Next, set the parameter of the washing machine and run the machine. ( Temperature 500 C for 20 min. Enzyme time is not fixed. After 10 min, check the enzyme effect under water bath. Running the machine until get desired enzyme effect)
  • Subsequently, when found desired enzyme effect, rise the temperature 900 C for enzyme killing.
  • Next, drop the liquor and rinse 2 times for 3 min.
  • Now, unload the garments and stone. Subsequently, separated denim garments from stone.
  • After separating, again load the garments for subsequence process.

Step 3: Clean up

  • Initially, takes 500 L water in the washing machine.
  • Added soda ash 1 kg, and detergent 300 gm.
  • Run the machine at temperature 700 C for 10 min.
  • After 10 min, drop the liquor and rinse 2 times for 3 min.

Step 4: Softening

  • Takes 500 L water in the washing bath.
  • Added softener.
  • Run the machine for 10 min at room temperature.
  • After 10 min, drain the wash bath and unloaded the garments for subsequence process.

Step 5: Hydro-extractor

After softening process, unloaded the garments from the washing machine and send to the hydro-extractor section. Hydro-extractor remove the excess water from the garments.

Step 6: Dryer

  • Load the garments in the steam dryer.
  • Set the temperature 700 C for 30 min.
  • After 30 min, run the machine for 10 min in cold dryer.
  • Check and unloaded the denim garments.

Step 7: Inspection

Finally, garments is send to the quality control section for check quality. If ok, then, garments is ready for shipment.

Enzyme Stone Wash Sample

Enzyme stone wash of denim garments
Figure 3:Enzyme stone wash of denim garments

Problem Caused by Stones

Some problems are arise due to the stone wash. Problem caused by stone is given below.

  1. Stone wash result in wear and tear of the denim garments.
  2. Increase water pollution.
  3. Due to the abrasion between washing machine and stone lead to the damage of washing machine.
  4. Due to the frication between fabric surface and stone, color comes out from the garments and increase back staining and re-deposition.
  5. Labor cost is increased because dust from finished garments have to remove.

Limitations of Stone Wash Process of Denim Garments

Limitations of stone wash process or the disadvantage of stone wash process of denim garments are given below.

  1. Stone wash may lead the damage the washing machine parts.
  2. It is difficult to control quality of the abrasion of stone with garments. Hence, it is not possible to get uniform enzyme effect.
  3. Stone wash provides rougher feel than normal enzyme wash.
  4. Stone enzyme wash process increase the production cost.
  5. Enzyme stone wash process is non-selective.


In summary, the stone enzyme wash process for denim garments combines wash of enzyme and stone. By combing, pumice stone and enzymes, the enzyme stone wash gives more enzyme effect on denim garments. Additionally, the flow chart of stone wash is give a you a short view from loading denim garments to final inspection. Though, stone enzyme wash process has lots benefits, but there are limitations of stone washing regarding strength loss of fabric, cost issue, and environmental concerns


  • Hossain, M. F. (2015). Practice of Textile Coloration, Volume-I. Dhaka: Books Fair Publications.
  • Jalil, P. D. (2018). Denim and Washing Technology. Dhaka: Granthanir Prokashoni.
  • Kabir, D. S. (2016). Chemistry of Dyes & Pigments. Dhaka: Books Fair Publications.
  • Rahman, E. M. (n.d.). Practical Hand Book of Washing and Dyeing. University campus.
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