Question Pattern:Jashore University of Science and Technology(JUST)/ Apparel Manufacturing Engineering-III

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Intending to reach an all-new level of excellence in research and achieve a unique milestone in promoting new ideas and innovation, Jashore University of Science and Technology (JUST) is on a steady path to serve the nation and the global community by creating enlightened and skilled professionals who can meet the challenges of the 21st century by cultivating the motto ‘being the employer, not the employee.’ JUST has already been declared a research university whose mission is to advance knowledge by conducting cutting-edge research in its state-of-the-art laboratories and friendly academic environment. It also collaborates with a range of reputable educational and industrial institutions internationally and locally. There are seven faculty including 26 subjects. The Textile Engineering department is under the faculty of Engineering and Technology.

Here I will present the question pattern of Apparel Manufacturing Engineering-III

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