Rieter Unimix: Unleashing Efficiency and Quality in Blow Room

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In a textile mill, the Rieter Unimix machine is used in the blow room. The Unimix is designed to blend different types of fibers together. It plays an important role in the early stages of yarn production, where raw fibers are processed and prepared before they can be spun into yarn. The fibers are mixed and opened up in a large chamber, which helps to remove impurities and improve the yarn’s quality. In order to achieve this, various components work together.

In this article, we will discussed working principle of  Rieter Unimix with proper figure. Before going to the working principle of Unimix, let’s come to learn why mixing and blending is important in case of cotton yarn production. The important of mixing or blending is discussed below in short:

  1. Mixing or blending is done in blow room to optimalization of end product. Buyer demands for easy care clothing, improved comfort. To full fill the buyer demand, sometime synthetic fiber is mixed with natural fiber.
  2. There are usually significant variations in fiber properties among bales of the same fiber type or grade, and from one part of a bale to another. Blending of the fibers within and among bales is therefore essential to obtain consistent yarns properties.
  3. Fiber cost is usually the major factor to product yarn. Need technical skill to keep fiber cost as low as possible without incurring unacceptable reductions in yarn quality. So, blending of different grades of fiber may reduce the cost.
  4. Blending is done to optimize yarn profiles. Yarn profiles refer to yarn quality profiles and yarn physical profiles.
  5. Utilizing spinnable waste as raw material in a blow room by mixing optimal levels of spinnable waste with virgin cotton.
Figure 01: Rieter Unimix

Main Parts of Rieter Unimix:

Rieter unimix has three parts. They are:

  1. A storage section.
  2. An intermediate chamber.
  3. A delivery section.
Figure 02: Parts of Rieter Unimix

Working Principle of Rieter Unimix:

Figure 03: Rieter Unimix

The Rieter Unimix consists of three sections: a storage section, an intermediate chamber, and a delivery section. In the storage section, tufts are fed pneumatically and simultaneously into eight chutes arranged one behind the other. Conveyor belts feed the stock from the intermediate chamber to the spiked lattice (3). As a result, the material columns are diverted from the vertical to the horizontal. Furthermore, this 90° deflection in the material flow shifts the timing and spatial distribution of fiber packages between the first and last chute, as well as its condensing effect. The special construction deflects 90 degrees. Thus, different distances from each chute to the lattice (from chute 1 to chute 8: short to long) result in good long-term blending. The material is then extracted from the intermediate chamber and subjected to an evener roller (4) and an inclined spiked lattice (3), as in a blending opener. An optical sensor prevents more fiber stock from being held in the mixing chamber in front of the lattice (3). On the back of the spiked lattice, there is a roll for taking off the spikes of the lattice, and then a simple pneumatic suction feed to the next machine.


A Rieter Unimix machine is an essential machine in the blow room of a textile mill. It assists in the blending and preparation of raw fibers for further processing. By removing impurities and providing a consistent blend, the Unimix contributes to the manufacturing of good-quality yarns. However, feel free to ask me any question about these article.


  1. Chowdhury, M. F. (2016). Manual of Short Staple Spinning. Dhaka: Granthanir Prokashoni.
  2. Corbman, D. P. (1983). Textiles Fiber to Fabric. NewYork: Mary McGarry.
  3. Hossain, M. S. (2014). Introduction to Textile Engineering. Dhka: Books Fair Publications.
  4. Kadolph, S. J. (2006). Textiles. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley India Pvt. Ltd.
  5. Rieter manual for spinning, Volume-II

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